part number

  1. What's the replacement for my existing AC?

    What's the replacement for my existing AC?

    If you own an RV, then you know the importance of having a good air conditioner. The Coleman-Mach RV rooftop air conditioners are one of the most popular choices among RVers, and for good reason. These units are reliable, efficient, and durable. However, what many people don't know is that these air conditioners have gone through several model number revisions over the years. In this blog post, we'll use the example of the Coleman-Mach 8 model number "47024-079" and compare it to some of its older model numbers.

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  2. Coleman-Mach Rooftop AC Model Numbers Decrypted

    Part Number Nomenclature

    We often get questions similar to the following from our customers:

    "Why did you send me a 47204-076 when I ordered a 47204B876?"
    "I have a rooftop model 48204A879, what can I replace this unit with?"

    Let's see if we can help clear a few things up about these often confusing model number differences.


    What do the model numbers mean? 

    Historically, the manufacturer uses the characters in a model number to decipher the specs and oftentimes indicate vendors of parts used inside that particular unit. The chart below

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